Behind every successful event, there is an extraordinary volunteer team. The Techcombank Hanoi Marathon is no exception, the success of this year’s race can’t be achieved without the support of more than 3.000 volunteers.

Thank you to all of you for not being afraid of difficulties, afraid of strong wind, afraid of sunlights and rain to sound your heart out cheering and supporting our athletes throughout all the race routes. This is such an amazing motivation leading our athletes towards the finish line.

Thank you for always backing us up throughout the event, being the first to come and the last to leave. The way you all put your heart into work is absolutely magnificent, and together we have delivered one of the most exciting Marathons to our dear athletes.

Thank you for always giving your best to assist us since we started 2 weeks ago. We comprehend that this whole process has caused a lot of interruptions to many of you. However, we are, and you all should be proud that we have finally completed our own Marathon side by side. Just like fire is the test of gold, all the difficulties we have overcome are a test that brings us together as an undefeatable team, leaving a “Greater Footprint” in everyone’s heart.

We would like to thank all of you for your presence and companionship for your significant contributions to making the first edition a success!

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